期刊名称:Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology
出版社:Informing Science Institute
摘要:The concept and implementation of Living Labs are gaining momentum in Southern Africa. Within a Living Lab environment, information and knowledge dissemination can take on many forms and are cardinal to its successful operation in the creation of innovative solutions. This pa-per presents an expanded Living Lab framework which utilizes different services represented col-lectively as knowledge support services in order to fulfill and enable various knowledge oriented activities. These activities include information acquisition, learning and knowledge sharing. The activities are facilitated by the implementation of services. Some of these envisioned services in-clude a question and answer service, a knowledge interchange service and a reverse knowledge brokerage service, are described and conceptually presented in this paper. The services are built on the utilization of existing tools, current services and emergent semantic technologies
关键词:Knowledge acquisition, Knowledge brokerage, Knowledge sharing, Knowledge sup-port, Living Labs.