期刊名称:Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology
出版社:Informing Science Institute
摘要:The role of infrastructure-less mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) in ubiquitous networks is out-lined. In a MANET there are no dedicated routers and all network nodes must contribute to rout-ing. Classification of routing protocols for MANET is based on how routing information is ac-quired and maintained by mobile nodes and/or on roles of network nodes in a routing. According to the first classification base, MANET routing protocols are proactive, reactive, or hybrid com-binations of proactive and reactive protocols. According to the role-based classification, MANET routing protocols are either uniform when all network nodes have the same role or non-uniform when the roles are different and dedicated. A contemporary review of MANET routing protocols is briefly presented. Security attacks against MANET routing can be passive and or active. The purpose of the former is information retrieval, for example network traffic monitoring, while the latter is performed by malicious nodes with the express intention of disturbing, modifying or in-terrupting MANET routing. An overview of active attacks based on modification, impersona-tion/spoofing, fabrication, wormhole, and selfish behavior is presented. The importance of cryp-tography and trust in secure MANET routing is also outlined, with relevant security extensions of existing routing protocols for MANETs described and assessed. A comparison of existing se-cure routing protocols form the main contribution in this paper, while some future re-search challenges in secure MANET routing are discussed.