摘要:Problem statement: Web services are increasingly being deployed in business applications, due to its unique features such as flexibility, interoperability and other features. Most of the business applications involve extensive use of database operations for data management in back end. Further business applications demand very high level of performance from software solutions and it is a continual and never-ending process. This study focuses on measurement and analysis of performance metrics of database queries in implementation of web services. Approach: In this experimentation, web services are implemented in two popular and standard platforms and database queries are realized through all commercial and standard databases. Performance measurement is done by implementing a common sample application on each realization and using a pair of performance metrics, response time and packet count, that is, number of packets involved in communication between the layers of implementation. Results and Conclusion: This novel study summarizes the various performance aspects of databases in web services with a basic set of database queries in the back end and concludes with firm results on optimum performance offered by database in execution of database queries in realization of web services.
关键词:Performance metrics; web services; database support