The purpose of this conceptual research framework is to develop and integrate a safety training model using a behaviour-based safety training programme into laboratories for young adults, during their tertiary education, particularly in technical and vocational education. Hence, this research will be investigating the outcome of basic safety knowledge among young adults and precautions needed to avoid occupational accidents and work-related diseases before they are exposed to real-life working situations. Numerous findings have found young adults are more prone to accidents compared to older adults and it happens due to lack of effective safety training and ineffective dispersion of safety knowledge to the young adults. An explanatory mixed method design is suggested for use as the main method; quantitative in the form of questionnaire based and supported by short interview in qualitative methods. A pre-test post-test non-equivalent control group design (with delayed post-test) is identified and it will use questionnaires (based on Theory of Planned Behaviour with an extension of a cognitive mediator) to predict and identify the changes in the safety practices behaviour of engineering students. Behaviour Based Safety (BBS) programme and Standard Safety programme will be used as individual interventions and integrated in the engineering laboratories; whilst the traditional programme will be monitored as the control group method. Three groups of purposive sampling engineering students will be selected and two of the groups will undergo different interventions concurrently leaving one group intact for control measurement. The expected results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) for pre-test, post-test and delayed post-test data between Behaviour Based Safety (BBS) programme, Standard Safety programme and traditional programme will determine the most effective among intervention safety programmes conducted for the engineering students. These future findings should also be able to provide proof that the combination of safety education and safety behaviour based training is the best method to be integrated as effective intervention into the engineering students’ safety practices behaviour at the laboratories. The expected findings will help to develop an effective ways of educating and training young adults about work safety, which can be used in engineering laboratories and workshops.