摘要:Modifications to the surface albedo through the deployment of cool roofs and
pavements (reflective materials) and photovoltaic arrays (low reflection) have the
potential to change radiative forcing, surface temperatures, and regional weather
patterns. In this work we investigate the regional climate and radiative effects of
modifying surface albedo to mimic massive deployment of cool surfaces (roofs and
pavements) and, separately, photovoltaic arrays across the United States. We use
a fully coupled regional climate model, the Weather Research and Forecasting
(WRF) model, to investigate feedbacks between surface albedo changes, surface
temperature, precipitation and average cloud cover. With the adoption of cool roofs
and pavements, domain-wide annual average outgoing radiation increased by
0.16 ± 0.03 W m − 2 (mean ± 95% C.I.) and afternoon summertime temperature in urban locations was reduced by 0.11–0.53 °C,
although some urban areas showed no statistically significant temperature changes. In response to
increased urban albedo, some rural locations showed summer afternoon temperature increases of up to + 0.27 °C and these regions were correlated with less cloud cover and lower precipitation. The
emissions offset obtained by this increase in outgoing radiation is calculated to be
3.3 ± 0.5 Gt
CO2 (mean ± 95% C.I.). The hypothetical solar arrays were designed to be able to produce one terawatt of peak
energy and were located in the Mojave Desert of California. To simulate the arrays, the
desert surface albedo was darkened, causing local afternoon temperature increases of up to + 0.4 °C. Due to the solar arrays, local and regional wind patterns within a 300 km radius were
affected. Statistically significant but lower magnitude changes to temperature and radiation
could be seen across the domain due to the introduction of the solar arrays. The addition of
photovoltaic arrays caused no significant change to summertime outgoing radiation when
averaged over the full domain, as interannual variation across the continent obscured more
consistent local forcing.