出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:Heavy quarks are unique probes to study the properties of the hot and dense medium created at RHIC. Unlike light quarks, heavy quark masses come mostly from spontaneous symmetry breaking, which makes them ideal for studying the medium’s QCD properties. Due to their large masses, they are produced in the early stages of the collisions and are expected to interact with the medium quite differently from that of light quarks. Measurements of the open heavy flavor production in the p+p collisions not only are crucial baseline references for understanding the medium effect of heavy quark productions in heavy-ion collisions, but also provide crucial tests on the QCD framework. In this paper, we present the results of open heavy flavor production in the STAR experiment at RHIC, focusing on the non-photonic electron measurement in p+p collisions at √ = 200GeV. We also describe briefly the future perspective of open heavy flavor measurements in the STAR experiment.