出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:The Super-LHC (SLHC) is a proposed Large Hadron Collider (LHC) accelerator upgrade to increase the machine luminosity by an order of magnitude to 1035cm−2s−1. The increased particle fluxes and years of radiation damage means that the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the LHC will have to replace its entire tracking system in expectation of this. Power consumption is a significant challenge in the design of a future tracker readout system due to requirement for a higher granularity detector. Physics performance must not be compromised so the tracker material contribution should be lowered where possible. It will also be necessary for the tracker to provide some information to the Level 1 system in order to maintain the trigger rate below a maximum of 100 kHz. A method of reducing the on-detector data rate for input into a L1 trigger using closely separated (“stacked”) pixel layers is presented. Detailed simulations report that a tracking trigger layer would be viable for use at SLHC, reducing the detector data rate by a factor of 20 while maintaining a track finding efficiency in excess of 96% for tracks with pT>2GeV/c. Two or more stacked layers could be used to reconstruct tracks with d pT/pT < 20% for pT<20GeV/c and with sufficient resolution so as to match tracks with L1 calorimeter objects. Recent progress on stacked module R&D, trigger simulations and concept designs is presented.