出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:Recent progress evaluating the Landau gauge ghost and gluon propagators within Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory (NSPT) has been reported at the workshop. In order to enable a confrontation with fully non-perturbative Monte Carlo calculations, the latter had to be redone based on the logarithmic definition of the gluon field in terms of the links. Experiences with the modified gauge fixing and the relation to the previous Monte Carlo results using the linear definition have been reviewed before the comparison with NSPT results was presented. Finally, the NSPT results for the two propagators up to the three-loop level as functions of log(ap)2 have been discussed in a form ready for comparison with future results of (diagrammatic) Lattice Perturbation Theory. Beyond the one-loop level (Kawai, Nakayama and Seo, 1981), which is nicely reproduced, the results are presently only available through NSPT.