出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:In the last decade, the study of flavor oscillations with neutrino long baseline experiments has been an extremely effective way to get information on the mass (up to an unknown scale) and the mixing between weak and mass neutrino eigenstates. In particular, accelerator driven experiments have determined precisely the so-called 2-3 sector and are beginning to tackle the 1-3 sector. Within a decade or two, there is hope to fully complete our understanding of the oscillation phenomenology between the three active neutrinos: the mass differences squared will have been very accurately determined and the neutrino mass hierarchy defined; the flavor mixing matrix, including its complex phase will also have been measured, possibly culminating with the discovery of (direct) CP-violation in the leptonic sector. The knowledge of the mass and flavor mixings of the leptons and quarks will shed light on the underlying properties of the fundamental fermions fields and is relevant for models of grand unified theories. In this paper, we briefly review the main achievements of this field and outline possible options for the future.