出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:We are doubtlessly familiar with some edition of Jackson’s tome on electrodynamics, and Schwinger’s calculation of the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron in QED. From the perspective of strong interactions, however, electromagnetic effects usually amount to negligible contributions. Despite this fact, electromagnetic probes have always been a fundamental source for our knowledge of QCD experimentally. Elastic scattering of electrons off nucleons provides us a window to their distributions of charge and magnetism. To account for the spectrum of QCD at the percent level, moreover, we need isospin breaking introduced from both quark masses and electric charges. This overview concerns some of the prospects and progress of studying electromagnetic effects in QCD. Our focus is divided between classical and quantum effects. In classical electromagnetic fields, the dynamical response of QCD to external conditions can be investigated. The vacuum and hadrons alike should be viewed as media which respond to external fields: both magnetize and polarize in magnetic fields, for example. At the quantum level, electromagnetism and QCD renormalize each other. In the era of high precision lattice computations, both strong and electromagnetic contributions must be accounted for to make predictions at the percent level.