出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:We investigate the chiral phase transition at finite temperature (T) in colour SU(Nc = 3) Quan- tum Chromodynamics (QCD) with six species of fermions (Nf = 6) in the fundamental repre- sentation [1]. The simulations have been performed by using lattice QCD with improved stag- gered fermions. The critical couplings b c L for the chiral phase transition are observed for several temporal extensions Nt , and the two-loop asymptotic scaling of the dimensionless ratio Tc=LL (LL = Lattice Lambda-parameter) is found to be achieved for Nt 6. Further, we collect b c L at Nf = 0 (quenched), and Nf = 4 at a fixed Nt = 6 as well as Nf = 8 at Nt = 6; 12, the latter relying on our earlier study. The results are consistent with enhanced fermionic screening at larger Nf . The ratio Tc=LL depends very mildly on Nf in the Nf = 04 region, begins increasing at Nf = 6, and significantly grows up at Nf = 8, as Nf reaches to the edge of the conformal window. We discuss the interrelation of the results with preconformal dynamics in the light of a functional renormalization group analysis.