摘要:The main objective of this study is to improve the geoid by GPS/leveling data in Egypt. Comparisons of the gravimetric geoid with GPS/leveling data have been performed. On the basis of a gravimetric geoid fitted to GPS/leveling by the least square method, a smoothed geoid was obtained. A high-resolution geoid in Egypt was computed with a 2.5′×2.5′ grid by combining the data set of 2600 original point gravity values, 20″×30″ resolution Digital Terrain Model (DTM) grid and the spherical harmonic model EGM96. The method of computation involved the strict evaluation of the Stokes integral with 1D-FFT. The standard deviation of the difference between the gravimetric and the GPS/leveling geoid heights is ±0.47 m. The standard deviation after fitting of the gravimetric geoid to the GPS/leveling points is better than ±13 cm. In the future we will try to improve our geoid results in Egypt by increasing the density of gravimetric coverage.