Background/Aim. The vast majority of prostatic tumors developing in adult males are adenocarcinomas (ACP). Histological diagnosis of prostate cancer relies on the infiltrative growth pattern, presence of macronucleoli, and absence of basal cell layer. In the last few years a special attention has been focused on investigation of cancerous glands lumen content. The aim of the study was to determine the presence of intraluminal (crystaloids, blue-tanged mucinous secretions and distension of glands) and extracellular markers of pathological secretions in ACP, as well as the type of intraluminal and extracellular mucinous secretions. Methods. Micromorphological and hystochemical (PAS, HIDAB pH 2.5) analysis was done in 96 patients to detemine differentiation by Gleason and markers of secretory activity. Results. In ACP neoplastic gland`s distension (53.12%), crystalloids (30.2%), basophilic secretions (26.04%) and presence of extracellular mucins (8.3%) were found. All morphological signs were detected in carcinoma of Gleason grade 1-4A. There was significant presence of crystalloids ((G1+G2)/G4 p < 0.05; G3/G4A p < 0.05), basophilic secretions (G3/G2 p < 0.05; G3/G4A p < 0.05) and extracellular mucins (G3/G4A p < 0.001). The association of these morphological features with neutral and acidic mucins secretion was statisticaly significant (p < 0.0001). Conclusion. This study showed that intraluminal and extracellular markers of secretory activity in ACP were significantly more often associated by mixed type of mucin secretion with predominace of sialomucins. .