The text discusses the way in which customs (as specific activities expected to help people's activities) could be surpassed and could disappear in the course od cultural development. They could also be prohibited, and the new ones could also appear or be imposed. For instance: the dodolas, girls decorated with plants who dance and sing occasional songs in a procession during the drought, they go through the settlements to invoke rain. When there is enough water for the watering of crops or people grow plants which do not require much moisture, then there is no need for such a custom. It is similar, but also in a way different, with language. In it, previous specificities are kept better and new language notions are accepted faster. In recent times, we have been hearing the expression "do daske" ("full blast") when somebody does a certain job fully, till the end. This expression has recently appeared in use and it originated from motor vehicles; they have a specific pedal which, when pressed fully, gives the vehicle the greatest traction power.