Retirees, as a group of economically inactive population, are especially important for future population trends, since their number is constantly growing. Our pension and disability insurance fund has a problem managing unfavorable socioeconomic trends and demographic reality, considering that the number of employees is steadily declining. Employee to retiree ratio has been affected by serious changes during the last half a century, and it declined from 5:1 in 1960s to 1,4:1 nowadays. This is a result of population ageing (life expectancy rising and dropping of total fertility rate) and unrestrictive law that allowed pensions to those who didn't deserve it (the share of disability retirees is significantly higher than that in other countries). An additional issue is the fact that baby boom generations are a few years away from the legal age acquired for the age pension. The data used in this paper are provided by the pension and disability fund. .