摘要:This is an era of hyper competition and organizational learning where the extent of employee's Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is found to lead the overall success of the organization. Its importance is evident by considering the fact that it guides in understanding the commitment of employees with the organization, especially to remain competitive. The current research is focused on identifying the determinants of OCB and their relationships with each other in the telecommunication sector of Pakistan. A sample of 200 employees working in various telecommunication companies of Pakistan was selected and a questionnaire was developed for the collection of data to probe the demographic characteristics and the antecedents of OCB i.e., Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment, Role Perceptions, Leadership Behavior and LMX, Fairness Perceptions, Individual Dispositions, Motivational Theories and Employee Age. The data was analyzed using regression to find the extent of dependent variables on the independent factor; OCB. Correlation was used to find the relationships among the determinants of OCB. Age of the employees and the individual dispositions were found to have minimal impact on defining the OCB from the developing countries context. The study will help organizations in devising the employee focused strategies to stay competitive, especially in an Asian perspective.