摘要:Arthropod-borne diseases are major causes of morbidity andmortality in many tropical and subtropical countries and principallythe devastating nature of malaria is indubitably intolerable [1]. Malariahas been one of the most potent scourges of mankind from timeimmemorial and it is one of the three major communicable diseases[2]. The recent WHO Malaria Report 2011 [3] estimates that 3.3 billionpeople were at the risk of malaria in 2010, although of all geographicalregions, populations living in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) have thehighest risk of acquiring malaria; among 216 million episodes ofmalaria in 2010, which approximately 81%, or 174 million cases, werereported from the African Region. There were an estimated 655,000 ofmalaria deaths in 2010, of which 91% were from Africa.