期刊名称:Bulletin du Centre de Recherche Français de Jérusalem
出版社:Centre de Recherche Français de Jérusalem (CRFJ)
摘要:Started in 1982 by B. Vandermeersch (University of Bordeaux I) and O. Bar Yosef, then professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, a french-israeli research program entitled “Evolution of the industries and the human types in the Levant, from the end of the Lower Paleolithic to the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic” is developed since then, which rests on interdisciplinary research carried out at Qafzeh (excavations by Vandermeersch), at Kebara Cave (excavations led in the frame of this project between 1982 and 1990) and finally Hayonim Cave (excavations in progress since 1992). Our research during these last years has thus focused mainly on the excavation of Hayonim Cave, but numerous studies are still in progress regarding Kebara Cave.