摘要:Objective: The primary objective of this paper is to present the evolution, purpose, and definition of direct supervision in the athletic training clinical education. The secondary objective is to briefly present the factors that may negatively affect the quality of direct supervision to allow remediation and provide higher quality clinical experiences for athletic training students. Background: Athletic training educators and clinical instructors often engage in discussions regarding the direct supervision of ATSs. These discussions tend to center around concerns about ATS preparation, and how the current level of preparedness differs from that of the past. Some believe that direct supervision, rather than unsupervised practice, retards the ATSs’ development; however, there is no current literature to support this concept. Description: Supervision means to watch or direct, while mentoring means to tutor, instruct, or guide; therefore, mentoring may be more descriptive of the desired/intended interaction between an ATS and their clinical instructor (CI). The intent of supervision is for an ATS to refine and improve their clinical proficiencies under CI guidance. For this to occur, the CI must alter their interactions with the ATS as the student evolves. Clinical Advantages: Developing the CIs’ understanding of the intent and continuum of expectations associated with direct supervision will allow them to maximize their students’ education and position them to become highly skilled and confident Athletic Trainers.d