摘要:The growth of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) in Bangladesh Open University (BOU) in comparison to the Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL) and the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) have been descriptively analysed in terms of the adminstrative and academic structure. This paper presents a comparative view of open and distance education in BOU, OUSL and IGNOU in relation to courses offered by them and the relevance of the courses (academic component) ; the role of Regional and Study Centres ; study and learning systems; examination and evaluation procedures; instructional methods ; and library and counselling facilities (administrative component). As a part after the discussion of the existing academic and administrative structure in the Distance Teaching Institution (DTI) identifies useful strategies, such as enhanced use of ICT facilities ; launch of new programme of study and schools to offer/govern them ; increase the effectiveness of existing courses, introduce library and e-library facilities and develop multi-perspective counselling tactics, through which BOU can move forward adopting the strategies offered by OUSL and IGNOU.