摘要:The aim of Swiss land use planning is to guarantee an
expedient and economical use ofthe land and an orderly
development of the country. Therefore. land use planning has to designate areas suitable for optimal economic development. The possiblility of climate change poses
a special challenge for land use planners. This paper
examines the implications of environmental change resulting from climate change and anticipates new zones
of conflict between existing and future land uses in the
Saas and Zermatt Valleys (Valais. Switzerland). Differences between the «reul-time» decisions of planners
and the possible development of nsks and changes predicted
by scientists are key factors examined in this paper. Furthermore, this paper investigates the legal implications of land use planning under conditions of
climatic uncertainty. Particular emphasis is given lo the
various ways natural dangers can be taken into account
at the levels of the «cantonal» general plan, communal
zoning plan and the issueing of building permits. Finally, this paper recommends the establishmenl of «buller
areas» or zones of potential high risk as precautionary
measures and Highlights the fundamental necessit) of
risk communication for natural hazard control.