出版社:Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Studijski centar socijalnog rada
摘要:The establishment of the system of education and training of civil servants is one of the main tasks of post-socialist countries and a necessary prerequisite for the European Union accession. In its introduction, this paper discusses the role of civil servants throughout history and in the present, as well as the changed role of civil servants in the countries in post-socialist transition. The importance of the making the transitional administrative models professional, as well as the education and training of civil servants for the new tasks brought by the multiparty system, market economy and globalization is emphasised. The main part of the paper compares the systems of education and training of the three countries that have joined the European Union on May 1, 2004: Hungary, Lithuania and Slovenia. In the conclusion, the significance of the experience of the compared countries for the Croatian system of education and training of civil servants is analysed.
关键词:civil servants; education and training of civil servants; countries in transition