摘要:Tourism is a large and complex system which, in order to achieve a long term suc¬cess, needs to implement the sustainability principles in the process of its planning and development. A significant role in creating such a development belongs to the public sector. However, as for the creation of certain measures for improvement of the behaviour of tourists and of increasing their awareness of effects that could occur in case of their inadequate and irresponsible behaviour, volun¬tary initiatives tend to have an even greater importance. This paper gives an overview of the most im¬portant voluntary initiatives and codes of conduct in tourism and discusses their impact on the be¬haviour of all participants in tourism. The focus is on the global and local voluntary initiatives concerned with the behaviour of tourists, the so-called Codes of Conduct. A significant number of these codes exist at the global and local level, but they are not unified and are often very difficult to trace. The implementation of codes of conduct is often rather difficult, which is why the application of responsible marketing becomes almost necessary. The focus of responsible marketing should not be the pure attraction of tourists to the destination, but also their sensitization to the desti¬nation, as well as minimizing the negative effects of tourism development.
关键词:sustainable development; sustainable tourism; sustainable marketing; codes of conduct in tourism