摘要:The purpose of this study was to question the correlation of different grades of periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) and subsequent neurodevelopmental outcome. In a prospective study we followed 52 preterm infants. Infants were divided into three groups according to their cranial ultrasound findings of PVL (De Vries classification). Seventeen children had PVL 1, 20 children had PVL 2, and 15 children had PVL 3. All 15 (100%) children with PVL 3 developed cerebral palsy with additional visual perceptual dysfunctions and epilepsy. Children with PVL 1 had high frequency of mild neuromotoric delay and visual impairment. PVL 2 and 3 have great predictive value for subsequent severe neurodevelopmental disorder which refers to cerebral palsy, different cognitive deficits, vision impairment and epilepsy. We have determined that due to high frequency of visual impairment and epilepsy we need to include neurophysiologic examinations very early in children with PVL lesions.