摘要:The width and length of the anterior teeth, the dimensions of the frontal dental arches and the dimensions of the hard palate were measured (24 men and 56 women, age range of 18–30 years). The results showed gender-related dimorphism only for the cervical width of the maxillary canine, which were wider in men, p maxillary frontal teeth varied from 0.82 to 0.91. The tooth-to-tooth width ratios among different maxillary frontal teeth varied from 0.78 to 0.91. The sum of all anterior maxillary teeth widths was equal to the hamular width and to the distal maxillary arch width (p>0.05), meaning that the sum of the frontal artificial teeth width may be selected upon the measurement of the hamular width on the hard palate. The ratios between the maxillary and the mandibular frontal dental arch dimensions are representative values for the skeletal class I.
关键词:anterior teeth; dental arch; hard palate; dimensions; ratios