摘要:Pedestrians are often considered the most vulnerable group of road users. The aim of our study was to analyze the forensic aspects of pedestrian traffic fatalities in Rijeka region. We analyzed pedestrian fatalities in a 5-year period (2002–2006), which included 44 fatally injured pedestrians examined at the Rijeka Institute of Forensic Medicine. The male:female ratio was 1:1. The median age was 57 (ranging from 2–95), with 66% aging over 60 and 89% aging over 40. The least of the accidents happened in July and during weekend. Almost 65% of the fatally injured pedestrians were sober (0.00 g/kg) and 24% had blood alcohol level of more than 1.50 g/kg. Our study showed that pedestrian fatalities in Rijeka region have specific forensic characteristics. These findings suggest the necessity of the specific approach and caution in planning of prevention measures for specific traffic fatalities, in this case pedestrian ones.