摘要:Tumors that grow within the adrenal medulla are called pheochromocytoma; when located extra-adrenal, they are called paraganglioma. Paraganglioma of the bladder are very rare, with only 180 reported cases. Less than 30 were malignant. We report a case of a 72-years old man with bladder paraganglioma who presented with painless hematuria. Urgent transurethral resection (TUR) was performed. Definitive pathohistological diagnosis was confirmed to imunohistochemical and electron microscopy. Clinical diagnostic showed normal value of epinephrine and norepinehrine in the urine. Scintigraphy of entire body and targeted pictures of pelvis where taken 24, 48 and 72 hours after administration of RI. No loci of pathologic accumulation of 131-I MIBG where found. Computer tomography (CT) of pelvis and abdomen were normal. Considering staging and pathohistological analysis, we treated our patient with TUR and longtime follow-up afterworth.
关键词:paraganglioma of urinary bladder; hematuria; immunohistochemical study; electron microscopy analysis