摘要:This work covers ten Pauline monasteries established from the time of foundation of the Order to the Battle of Mohács in 1526. Based on the most recent results of archaeological re-search conducted until 2009, eight monasteries (Moslavina highlands, Remete, Zlat, Streza, Šenkovec, Lepoglava, Kamensko, Donja Vrijeska) have been ascertained and (partially) examined, while two are still only known on the basis of archival data (Dubica and Bakva). In compliance with the results achieved thus far, it is possible to define several characteristics of this group of Pau-line monastic complexes. In line with the Order’s hermitic orientation, the late medieval monastic complexes were located at some distance from cities, most often in picturesque valleys bordered by streams or rivers. Even though the oldest monasteries were secure thanks simply to their isolated location (Dubica, Zlat), some were additionally safeguarded from potential attacks by natural barriers (e.g. the Moslavina highlands and Streza) or defensive systems (e.g. the Remete, Lepoglava and Kamensko). When establishing the ground layout of their monastic complexes, the monks took into account geomorphological constraints and the possibilities and needs of individual communities. The formation of the residential section of the area was adapted to the needs and time of construction, while the canons of sacral architecture were not altered in the process. With the exception of the atypical layout of the Zlat monastic complex, the remaining monasteries, regardless of the date of their establishment, were raised in line with an identical scheme: the monastic wings were arranged around a rectangular or square cloister, while the church was usually situated in the south-east side of the complex. The monastic churches of the Pauline Order were constructed as explicitly longitudinal structures, achieved through roughly equal spatial ratios between the rectangular single nave and the polygonally closed chancel. The knowledge yielded by slightly less than a century of work constitutes a major step for-ward not only in understanding the development of late medieval monastic architecture, but also the broader historical and political context of Slavonia during that period. The overall picture of these highly valuable Croatian monuments to the religious and cultural heritage shall only be filled in and then completed by further research in the near future.
关键词:Northwest Croatia; late Middle-Ages; Ordo sancti Pauli Primi Eremitae; monastery complex; archaeological excavations