关键词:In recent years the e-learning; as a modern access to learning and teaching; takes more and more important position in our university level education. However; the process of its implementation is not standardized at the Croatian universities and associate degree colleges. While some educational institutions have accepted e-learning in large measure incorporating it in their study programmes; some just started to apply it. Proceeding from the importance of e-learning; the aim of research whose results are presented in this paper was to make the implementation analysis of this concept within the system of our university level education taking into consideration the characteristic of scientifc area. The research has been carried out on the pattern of respondents consisting of students of University J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek. Te special accent of the paper is put on the determination of differences in accepting and forms of e-learning that the students had the opportunity to meet in the course of former education process in their current studies. In the analysis of the stated problems; we applied the adequate statistical methods.