摘要:In the paper, the violent hungarization of the names of settlements in Međimurje in the second half of the 19th century is examined. It is shown that all names are recorded in Hungarian orthography and only a small number of settlements kept the name they had up to then (e.g. Belicza). Some names replace the typical Croatian (kajkavian) oikonymic ending -(ov)ec with recognizable Hungarian names of settlements endings -falu, -falva, - lak, -tornya, -hegy(es), -völgy, -vár… Some of Hungarized settlement names originated from literal translation of semantically transparent ojkonimic constituents (Mala Subotica > Kisszabadka, Okrugli Vrh > Kerekhegy, Železna Gora > Vashegy…), partly by phonological adaptation or folk ethymology (Črečan / Cseresnyés Erzsébetlak / Szentorbánhegy, Plešivica > Kopaszhegy…). These new names were never accepted by the people and after the end of Hungarian rule they fell out of use.
关键词:Međimurje; names of settlements; hungarization