摘要:In the first century of Roman domination silver jewelry in the Balkan region is very numerous, and local production of these decorations lasted until the middle of the 3rd century. In that production an important role played the autochthonous component. Gold jewelry from this region is of East-Mediterranean origin, and some shapes of ornaments and use of the techinques of filigree and granulation point, also, to the penetration of the Hellenistic influence deep into the Balkan inland. The traditional forms of Roman decorations, used in the Balakan provinces during the second half of the 3rd century, can be seen in the set of gold jewelry discovered in the mausoleum at Šarkamen (East Serbia), which, probably, belonged to the mother of Maximinus Daia. But, some forms of this jewelry find their best parallels in the forms represented on the fresco from the ceiling of Constantine’s palace in Trier.
关键词:Roman jewelry; goldsmith’s techniques; autochthonous decoration style; Central Balkans