摘要:Most states in the issuance of new series, incorporates the latest developments in the banknotes. In this way, each new series has a fresh design with a clearly visible security features. New information representing the state, its position in the world, with emphasis on cultural values. Expression through the many graphic elements is a work of art where many figures are compressed into a closed format, covering part of the information required on the one hand, and the technological part as protection against counterfeiting and falsification. In this article, there are a few proposals complement and changes in new editions of securities. Presents the reasons for leaving some established provider of messaging systems that have made his role in the historical development of the protected document. There are proposals for minimal changes of graphic elements that are set to identify the characteristics of the contemporary moment of securities. There is a classification of information detecting by visual and instrumental methods, which determines the basis of changes in the future design of securities.