出版社:KAJKAVSKO SPRAVIŠČE - Društvo za širenje i unapređivanje znanosti i umjetnosti
摘要:The phonological system characteristics of the vernacular spoken at Slokovec (situated on the Ludbreg-Legrad route) are described in the paper, demonstrating greater phonological differences of the vocalism and consonantism systems than had been expected in the vernacular of the Podravina's Ludbreg as based on research work to date. Described are the characteristics of the Ludbreg Podravina vernacular that have not been noted down yet; firstly the absence of assimilation of reflex ǫ and the etymological o as described by Pavle Ivić, linking it to that in the Hrvatsko zagorje villages. The Slokovec vernacular has not been mentioned in research work till now, but has been included as a section in the overall eastern Ludbreg surroundings up to Legrad (as for instance in the Ivšić grouping), in the vernacular groups of a higher level under assumption that the tongue of its inhabitants does not differ essentially from the tongue of those in the nearby villages. The vernacular area is changing essentially due to autochthonous population dying out, migration and media influence, so it is highly probable that in the near future it will not be possible to note down the listed characteristics.
关键词:Slokovec; accentuation; vocalism; assimilated reflex of ǫ and syllable creating ̥l; denasalization; etymological o; close ọ