摘要:Games of chance, united under name of gambling, are becaming more popular in the modern times, and the number of gamblers increases progresively with the decrease of economic power of people. According to inveterate views on gambling in sports betting is a “benign” form of games of chance. So this kind of “entertainment is being popularized mora and mora even through national media. However, for some of the gambler the game becomes the center of interests, because of gambling they neglect their work, styding and other activities. The individual control is being decreased even further by obsesively gambling everyday, and instead of entertaining the game starts to control people leading them to addiction. In this research we study some aspects of the role of betting in everyday life of students. The sample consisted of 113 questioned persons, and during the examination was used a questionnaire thai was mode for that purpose and theoretically measurs the freqvency of betting, some attitude and motivation. The research has confi rmend aur assumption that the games on chance are concerning because of their increase. It pointed to one unpredicted fact the largest number of students gamble because they are bored. In that way, the hedonism, as the primary cause of excessive alcohol consumation among the youth and one of the most signifi cantcauses of drug consumation, hasshown to be a key factor in students playing games on chance.