期刊名称:LAHOR: journal for Croatian as mother, second and foreign lanugage
出版社:Crotian Philological Society
摘要:This paper presents the grammatical-semantic approach to case-morphology analysis. It is semantic because cases are taught with constant emphasis on their relationship to the meaning, and connecting deep and surface (morphological) cases. The approach is grammatical because of the following: surface and not deep cases are taught one by one; students learn which prepositions go with which surface case; the cases governed by the verbs are taught. Since Croatian is a language with a very complex morphology, the grammatical approach to teaching is necessary, while ever more systematically analysing and teaching the meanings of cases. In other words, both components – grammatical and semantic – are equally as important, and the grammatical approach provides the framework for the semantic.
关键词:Croatian as second and foreign language; surface (morphological) cases; deep cases; grammatical-sematic approach