摘要:The model of spatial distribution of major forest types in Croatia was developed as a function of macroclimatic variables (monthly mean temperature, monthly precipitation, monthly mean global solar irradiation and monthly potential evapotranspiration) and variables derived from digital elevation model (terrain aspect and slope). Neural networks were used as modelling tool. The model was developed within the frame of a raster geographic information system with a spatial resolution of 300 × 300 m, and it was based on a forest vegetation map (in scale of 1 : 500000) and interpolation macroclimatic models. The agreement between modelled and mapped forest types was very good, which suggests a strong correlation between macroclimate and the main forest types in Croatia and high model reliability. The model was applied to the entire area of Croatia, aiming at the construction of the potential spatial distribution of major forest types. The model could be useful for reforestation planning and for prediction of vegetation succession under assumed climatic changes.