出版社:Zavod za istra?ivanje i razvoj sigurnosti d.d./Institute of safety research and development
摘要:SUMMARY: Mobbing, or psychological abuse, is directed towards an individual who is put in a position of helplessness and is incapable of protecting himself/herself from continual abusive behaviour. Mobbing has negative impact on the health of employees, which increases the rate of absence from work due to sick leave. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the effects of mobbing on temporary incapacity for work (absenteeism) in medical technicians. Prospective study of the cross section was used to analyze the mobbing prevalence rate and its effects on absenteeism in medical technicians employed in primary care. A valid self-assessment questionnaire was used on 274 (239 female and 35 male) medical technicians. The analysis of obtained results was conducted using the standard Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), version 10.0. The statistical hypotheses were tested on a level of α = 0.05. Eighty-seven percent of the examinees were women. Approximately 54 percent of examinees experienced mobbing in the past year, while 24 percent (36/147) were persistently exposed to mobbing behaviour (mobbing victims). Statistically, the examinees who experienced mobbing more often exhibited stress-and-mobbing-related symptoms, with the exception of depression and insomnia. Approximately 22 percent of the examinees responded that they used temporary incapacity for work (sick leave). The average number of lost workdays per examinee was M±SD= 6.76±22.00 (range: 1-180) days. Statistically speaking, sick leave and duration of sick leave are significantly correlated with the evaluation of current capability for work, the evaluation of the relationship between health and work assignments (WAI) and mobbing (P=0,001). Mobbing is a widespread phenomenon among health care workers. More than half of medical nurses-technicians experienced mobbing in the past year. Persons who reported mobbing behaviour went on sick leave twice as often as those who did not.
关键词:Keywords: stress; mobbing; mobbing victims; temporary incapacity for work