出版社:Zavod za istra?ivanje i razvoj sigurnosti d.d./Institute of safety research and development
摘要:SUMMARY: One of the key indicators of the status and development of occupational safety and health in a determined social environment is the number of registered occupational injuries. The purpose of this paper is to review, in retrospect, different ways of data collection and data interpretation, and provide information regarding the number of occupational injuries in the Republic of Slovenia. Information concerning the number of occupational injuries in the Republic of Slovenia has been systematically collected and published since the middle of the 20th century by different national and foreign organizations. Using the scientific method of compilation we selected various data and information concerning the number of occupational injuries and the total number of fatal occupational injuries. We used information published in the Republic of Slovenia by Slovenian, European and international institutions covering the period between 1960 and 2007. We established that both the methodology of data collection and the methodology of injury registration had changed during the said period, resulting in a rather diversified number of occupational injuries over the years. An overall chronological review of the number of occupational injuries was made, offering all concerned parties the opportunity to compare these figures to the figures of occupational injuries in other countries and to plan political, economic and other activities that would improve occupational health and safety.