出版社:Zavod za istra?ivanje i razvoj sigurnosti d.d./Institute of safety research and development
摘要:SUMMARY: The paper presents the basic structure of the national and state safety system that excludes the safety policy and health protection at work as part of the currently implemented safety policies. In view of the current situation and the national and state safety policy, the paper brings forth a proposal to treat safety policy and health protection at work as an integral and mandatory segment of the safety system to ensure a maximum level of safety and health to the persons in the system. Presented is the legislation that covers safety and health protection at work. It is a resolution stating the national program for safety and health protection at work, which is accompanied by a proposal to implement this comprehensive scheme as part of the current state-level safety policy. The proposal is directed primarily at the state institutions to start them thinking of implementing mandatory safety and health policies into the national safety system, as it is frequently not perceived that adequate safety and health protection at work are a basic pre-condition for a successful implementation of national and state safety.
关键词:Key words: safety; national safety; safety system; safety and health at work