摘要:Ibis is apreliminary report on results of revision researches of the locality ofCrkvine in the village ofCista Velika) Municipality of Cista Provo) situated in the western part of Imotska Krajina. According to the archaeologicalfinds and information recorded in late-classical written sources, we suggest locating of the road station -settlement of Tronum-Trono at the location oft he present settlement. ln the centre ofthe small karst field) near the Roman road Salona-Tilu rium-Narona, there were found remains of a complex of organically connected Roman secular, and various paleoChristian and early medieval sacral buildings, surrounded by their graveyards. The architectural remains) as well as other mobile finds) very truly depict conditions in the area from the Late Antiquity period till Early Middle Ages) when Crkvine were deserted and the sanctuary moved to the locality of the present parish church.