摘要:The precautionary principle in its essence contains the requirement that in the case of existence of the occurrence of serious and/or irreparable damage to act preventively also in the cases where there is no scientifically confirmed certainty of harmful consequences. The first part of the article deals with the development of the understanding of the position and role of the environment in the economic theory and the evolution of the relation of the economic doctrine towards the problem of degradation of the environment due to the economic human activities, by which the possibility of the application of the precautionary principle as one of the instruments of the policy of protection has been opened. Further, the historical presentation of the development of the precautionary principle is given, as well as the critical review of the definition, interpretation and function of the precautionary principle in the regulations of the European Union. The central part of the article deals with the problems of determining the definition, role and interpretation of certain concepts which are crucial for the application of the precautionary principle within the concept of sustainable development. Finally, in the part in which the practical application of the precautionary principle is presented, some of its challenges are pointed out and certain concrete measures and activities are suggested by which more effective application of the precautionary principle would be possible in the future.
关键词:precautionary principle; environmental protection; protection of public health; sustainable development