标题:Criminal offences in the act of the prevention of riots at sporting events with reference to precautionary measures under the criminal procedure act
期刊名称:Collected papers of the faculy of law in Split
出版社:Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu
摘要:The Act of the Prevention of Riots at sporting Events enacted on 15 July 2003. and came into force on 23 July 2003. Because of the difficulties accuring as a consequence to application of the Act in practice, it was approached to the amendments to the Act of the Prevention of Riots at sporting Events, so there were entirely three amendments, at 2006., 2009. and 2011. year. All these amendments have led to reduced unlawful behavior in stadiums, and last amendments in 2011th introduced four criminal affences – Participation in a fight or an attack on the spectators or other persons, Organizing violence at sporting events, Destruction of objects or properties at sporting events and Noncompliance measures and prohibitions. When it comes to criminal offences committed at sports events, it is important to mention two precautionary measures prescribed by the Criminal Procedure Act ( prohibition from visiting certain places or areas, and the obligation of regular reporting to a particular person or government body ) that the perpetrators of such criminal offences may, before or during criminal proceedings prohibit attendance at certain sporting events with the obligation that during these sporting events perperators report e.g. to the authorized police station of the area of their residence or domicile.