期刊名称:ŽIVOT I ŠKOLA, časopis za teoriju i praksu odgoja i obrazovanja
出版社:Faculty of philosophy Osijek, Faculty of education in Osijek 31 000 Osijek, L. Jagera 9
摘要:In our work we wanted to design a method of evaluating group work where both the teacher and the students would be grading not only the final result of the work, but also the whole process of creating the outcome. We felt that by making our students active in the evaluation process we would raise their awareness of the responsibilities towards their own work and the work of the others. We also tried to help them experience the concerns of objective evaluation of every person individually. Having compared the advantages and disadvantages of this method we concluded that the former outnumber the latter. There is more involvement in the work because there is awareness that the results of the whole group, and thus the individual marks depend on each person’s commitment. The students also develop co-operational, co-ordination and organisational skills and the class dynamics changes for the better. Besides, most of the students learn how to help and support each other and how to resist the bad influence of the “trouble makers”. What’s more we feel that this kind of work develops the whole personality of the student enabling her/him to use and improve their multiple intelligences, especially inter- and intrapersonal intelligence.