期刊名称:ŽIVOT I ŠKOLA, časopis za teoriju i praksu odgoja i obrazovanja
出版社:Faculty of philosophy Osijek, Faculty of education in Osijek 31 000 Osijek, L. Jagera 9
摘要:The paper investigates theoretical and practical aspects of education strategies. It first identifies repressive and permissive education strategies within a historical framework. Repressive education strategies evolved from physical punishment to symbolic awards and praise. All forms of repressive and permissive measures are based on external motivation causing emotional comfort or discomfort. Restitution based on internal motivation is used in modern conditions, in both theory and practice. Research conducted in Vilim Korajac primary school in Kaptol included 76 pupils attending 3rd and 4th grades. Research results indicate that the theoretical findings are implemented fully in practice. Education measures used are mostly motivating and there are initial forms of restitution.