期刊名称:Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences
出版社:Maxwell Science Publications
摘要:A study on the bioavailability of zinc in maize and soil samples from selected agricultural areas of Kaduna Metropolis Nigeria was conducted. The objective of the study was to determine the concentration of zinc in the maize and soil samples. Wet ashing method was used for Zn analysis in the maize. Zn metal from soil samples was extracted using cold extraction technique employing different digestion and extraction reagents. The Zn concentration in both the maize and soil samples were analyzed using Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FAAS). The results indicated that the soil samples collected from various locations contain varying amounts of zinc and were distributed between residual, oxide, Fe and Mn oxide and carbonate/organically bound phases. The result of the study also showed that in all the sampling locations, the zinc concentration in the soil was below the tolerable limit of 300 mg/kg and ANOVA (p = 0.468>0.05) showed no significant difference in the zinc concentrations across the various maize crops. Similarly, the ANOVA (p = 0.002<0.05) also indicated a significant difference in the zinc concentrations across various maize grown soils.`