摘要:The author describes the di-soovery of an a·ltar in pre-Gothic stralta which were found .dUll1ing exca,vaJtJions in 1974 by the Oftlice for ·the .{>.roteo1lion of CuJJtIl.lTal MonumeJllts dn Sp1rirt:, ooected by .the author. AH :the strata .oo the pa·vrl.ng of the maJUsoleum of DiocletJian ,(lin which ·the carthedral ris located) were excavalte.d. A pal1t of thdJS paving was dJi:scovered shoWling a join 'With a floor of another .type of stone of which not even one section ·was preserved. Thi·s could .indicate rt'he complete demo}iNon of alil paga.n elemen:ts on The alitar of St AnasatSlbus (a co The authoc plTefers ilie hypothesiJs rthat tthe entire allrtar was Ifrom it was buIi1t by the Spliit archbishopBel1llw (b. Perugia ea. 1140 -d. Split 1217), a learned monk tirom the Benedio1lillle abbey of Samta Mama de Farneto (Chiusi). He was archbishop tirom 1197 or U98 and was very Wluential at the Hung3Jl1ian royal court. Remms of such early frescoes and oil)Oria are not pITeserved elsewhere in the SpLt cathedraL.