标题:AS RELAÇÕES DE PERMANÊNCIAS E COEXISTÊNCIAS ENTRE O TRADICIONAL E O NOVO: ENSAIO EXPLORATÓRIO SOBRE A FEIRA DO ALECRIM EM NATAL-RN (Relations of continuities and coexistences between traditional and new: exploratory essay about the street fair...)
出版社:Editora da Universidade Federal de Roraima (EdUFRR)
摘要:This article seeks to understand some changes that have occurred in the Free Fair of Alecrim, the first one street fair of Natal-RN. These changes have resulted from the interference of hegemonic actors in recent years, that have taken effective measures in the attempt of standardize it. However, these attempts have failed to exclude the spontaneous characters presents in their operation, overlapping to this spontaneity, a normative character. Some subversive attitudes, intentional or not, begin of the fairground that constantly reinvent their social practices, which means that some traditional elements to receive new meanings and functions. In this way, we seek to identify the relationship between the traditional and new in the Street Fair of Alecrim, beyond some identity relations that are manifested in this place. So, the field survey provided a closer relationship with the object of our study and the different social actors that constitute it.
关键词:fair; standardization; territory; stay and coexistence.