摘要:By using 160 working women aged from 40 to 70 years who had received medical check of our hospital as subjects, we investigated their obesity level, hematological values, and electrocardiographical findings in relation to their ages. Most the subjects showed heavier body weight than the standard value, especially the subjects aged from 50 to 59 exhibiting the highest obesity level. The subjects aged over 50 indicated higher systolic blood pressure and higher total cholesterol value compared with the subjects aged below 50. The electrocardiographical findings frequently observed were left ventricular hypertrophy, changes in ST and T, and ventricular premature contraction. The incidence of the former two findings was high in the subjects aged over 50. These results indicate that middle-aged working women aged from 40 to 50 tend to become obese and experience a big change in physical condition including menopause.