摘要:This report introduces the study and training process of physical therapy and rehabilitation mainly for cerebral palsy performed in the Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific, Honolulu, Hawaii, where the author had a training experience for six months. Distinctiveness of physical therapy and rehabilitaion service in the Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific are as follows: 1) The number of beds is 100, with a large number of staffs of 250. 2) Completeness of service for out-patients, such as full service aiming at returning to work performed at IWC and various programs for keeping body function against chronic diseases. Diversified rehabilitation programs are highly expected in Japan in which the project for training of body function has just started on the basis of the Health Law for the Aged. 3) Short period of hospital treatment, for example for only six weeks in case of cerebral palsy. 4) Long training time per day, average 5 hours in general patients. 5) Training conducted by physical therapists put an emphasis on acquirement of body function at the disability level. In contrast with this, physical therapy in Japan seems to place importance on that at the impariment level. 6) Popularization of practical programs such as home visits and family orientation. 7) Great sympathetic atttitude with rehabilitation was observed in the public.