标题:"Læring er bare å ta trinn for trinn, det er et langt steg fra begynnelse til slutt": Noen førskolelæreres og grunnskolelæreres beskrivelser av læring og læringsprosesser i barnehage og skole
摘要:The purpose of this article is to shed light on how teachers describe learning and the processes of learning in kindergarten and school, by metaphors. How can the metaphors contribute to understand the teachers’ interpretations and constructions of learning? Empirical data are of five preschool teachers and four primary school teachers describing how they understand and experience learning and the learning processes in kindergarten and school. Three main metaphors were identified: metaphor of craft, metaphor of movement and metaphor of balance.
关键词:Learning; Metaphors; Metaphors in educpational theories; Preschool teachers; Primary school teachers